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Perfect Imperfection

When your brain works hand in hand with your talent… You become EXCEPTIONAL!

Meet Tosan Jemide Africa’s Cake Maestro, is one of @thetimeouttechnique Guest Speakers, the CEO @cakesbytosan as He joins us 1pm on Thursday 26th of August 2021.

Creativity at it’s wildest best, is what you will encounter, just listening to this fine gentleman @tosan_jemide speak at this unique Life Coaching / Book Reading Program.

We’ll be going through The Timeout Technique’s Reflect Visualise Create Model as we discuss #Love#Purpose#Money

#Dresscode Classy with a touch of Culture

Be You To The Full


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Yet to join us ?

Register for any of our Timeout Technique's One Day intensive Life Coaching session.
At our Session, you will see your end goal, plan it out and start the process of bringing it to life. It will help you gain clarity, list opportunities available, activate your strengths and challenge yourself to achieve that which you see.
Looking forward to having you on.
Reflect Visualise Create and hey Be You To The Full!