We specialize in up-skilling and train you in specific development areas. We will help you understand yourself better, train your brain, and equip you with the skills to handle future challenges and situations.
We offer Leadership Training Soft and power skill training as well as Executive Workshops to our clients. Furthermore, we offer consultancy services to firms and organizations.
We also give public lectures and compere services at timeout technique
Join us for invigorating fitness training sessions tailored to your goals and needs. Our expert trainers will help you achieve peak physical fitness and overall well-being.
Join us for invigorating fitness training sessions tailored to your goals and needs. Our expert trainers will help you achieve peak physical fitness and overall well-being.
Unlock your full potential with our coaching sessions. Whether it's life coaching, career guidance, or personal development, our dedicated coaches are here to empower you.
I am Tokunbo Giwa-Amu, also known as the Timeout Coach.
Coach TGA
Coach TGA
Timeout with The Timeout Coach
Timeout with The Timeout Coach
Timeout with The Timeout Coach
Timeout with The Timeout Coach
My Time-out: the Awakening moment’ When i first learnt about this, my spirit jumped for joy. Why, you
may ask..| saw possibilities. Endless possibilities. It holds such a special place in my heart because as
women,a lot of us do not really sit back and just take time out to focus on ourselves. We are busy living
through our lives focusing on the people and events in it. TimeOut provides an opportunity to check
ourselves, discover again, love again, accept again, live again. What an awesome privilege to be able
to assess, uncover limitations, make adjustments and gain clarity to give it another shot. No matter
where we are in our lives, there's always more. Thanking you Toks for daring to birth this vision. And to
all the beautiful women who are a part of this. To new beginnings.
I'm really glad I attended the Toksy GA timeout even though it started of with curiosity thinking it was a conference and just seeing what else people were up to in Nigeria taking advantage of the lockdown to attend where distance barrier had been removed. It made me sit down and think about some of my goals and think about step by step ways of how to accomplish them you know things we feel we will come back to and just keep putting them off. To be honest my brain did hurt after but it was well worth it. Ill say mama Toks is patient, firm she's a great
One of the timeout sessions at the cinema, this is one life coach that does things differently and fectively, Ihave attended several @thetimeouttechnique sessions and I always leave refreshed,
renewed and revived, don't take my word for it, come and experience it for yourself.
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Register for any of our Timeout Technique's One Day intensive Life Coaching session.
At our Session, you will see your end goal, plan it out and start the process of bringing it to life. It will help you gain clarity, list opportunities available, activate your strengths and challenge yourself to achieve that which you see.
Looking forward to having you on.
Reflect Visualise Create and hey Be You To The Full!